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Exhibit Proposal Process

  1. Exhibitor reads WVU Art in the Libraries Program Information online at
  2. Exhibitor may consult with Exhibits Coordinator, Sally Brown Deskins,, before submitting.
  3. Exhibitor submits required information on the online submission form.
  4. Art in the Libraries committee reviews proposal and accepts or rejects in a timely manner based on Mission, Guiding Principles, and Criteria for Selection, spaces and/or schedule.
  5. Approval or rejection communicated to the applicant for confirmation.
  6. If approved, Exhibits Coordinator consults schedule with Dean of Libraries, Communications Coordinator, and Development Director, and adds to the exhibits calendar.
  7. Exhibits Coordinator and Exhibitor have consultation regarding installation, promotions and events.
  8. At installation, Exhibitor and Exhibits Coordinator signs Exhibit Agreement and Insurance Form, which are retained in Exhibits Coordinator file.
  9. After exhibit duration, Exhibits Coordinator documents and archives the exhibit with photographs and media, as well as compiles assessment tools (surveys, sign-in journals, artist questionnaire, etc.).

Security & Insurance

Loaned objects and materials are afforded the same security protection as that of all library materials. Additional security cannot be provided by the Library. WVU Libraries carries the State of West Virginia BRIM insurance when items are displayed in the Library but not traveling to or from the Library. Exhibitors are required to complete the Exhibit Agreement and Inventory Form and work directly with Committee/Exhibits Coordinator to ensure optimal safety of displayed items. Fragile, rare, unique or otherwise vulnerable items should not be exhibited unless special arrangements are made with Exhibits Coordinator.


Small funding for shipping, travel or other installation costs may be available if request is noted in submission. Exhibitors may make use of library materials. Library materials used in exhibits must be approved by the Committee.

Exhibit Duration

Exhibits scheduling will determine the duration of exhibits. Exhibits should have start/end dates, though the end date may be extended if schedule allows. Exhibits are encouraged to be on display for at least 2-3 months but shorter exhibits are acceptable.

Exhibitor Responsibilities, Arrangements & Installation

Exhibitors must consult with the committee/Exhibits Coordinator regarding shipping, delivery, installation, events, promotion, exhibition design and didactics. Exhibits should be installed within two days of start dates. Exhibitors must provide information for labels and panels including individual artwork labels, biographies or artist/exhibit statement.

With materials submitted, Exhibitor will work with Exhibits Coordinator to explore accompanying event(s) ideas, which could include artist(s) talk or panel, demonstration, performance, reading, workshop, class guest lectures, reception; and promotional plans and publications which could include a catalog, postcards, social media, press release, etc. Other exhibit support materials are encouraged and might include bibliographies, brochures, instructional materials, an accompanying website, catalog, flyers, etc. Throughout the exhibition, Exhibits Coordinator will continue to promote exhibits via social media, additional events and outreach to relevant faculty/community groups.

Efforts should be made to ensure accessibility when possible. Exhibits must not be a physical hazard or impede research or library use. Price list can be made available at the Access Services desk at request of the artist.

The Exhibitor must remove materials promptly at the close of the exhibit period or make arrangements with the Exhibits Coordinator.

Criteria for Selection

Students, faculty, staff, organizations of WVU and regional, national and international artists/organizations may apply to exhibit in the WVU Libraries by completing the online form. Requests should be made at least 3 months (preferably 6 months) in advance. Exhibits in WVU Libraries are selected with reference to Art in the Libraries Mission and Vision Statements. Exhibit spaces are available, in accordance with these statements, to University and University-related departments, groups, organizations, and exhibitors from outside the Libraries. The following criteria apply as exhibit proposals are considered, though not all exhibits need to meet all of the criteria:

  • Follows exhibit proposal submission instructions.
  • Educational content ranging from advanced scholarly contributions to general informational value.
  • Relevance to library collections.
  • Appropriate subject, technique, style for location and audience.
  • Related to other exhibits or events in the community.
  • Represents influential movement, genre, trend or culture.
  • Does not promote partisan ideas.
  • Reflects vitality, originality, artistic expression, and experimentation.
  • Forthright and efficient installation.
  • Satisfies public safety and accessibility considerations.

WVU Library supports the American Library Association's recommendations for Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries, which states that "Freedom of information and of creative expression should be reflected in library exhibits and in all relevant library policy documents."" The Art in the Libraries Committee reserves the right to refuse any proposal, make final approval for layout of exhibit, and make decisions for exhibition duration, placement within the Libraries and content of publicity.

Ethics Policy

Art in the Libraries (AiL) Committee members are obligated to avoid all actual, potential and perceived conflicts of interest in conducting AiL activities. A conflict of interest exists when a member of the AiL Committee is in a position to unduly and personally benefit, either directly or indirectly, from AiL exhibitions, programs or other activity. Conflicts of interest relevant to AiL activities would include using activities/exhibitions/programs to promote a committee member's own art collecting, being involved in making a contract with any person or business in which the committee member or family has personal interest.

AiL is obligated to work transparently including the exhibitions process, programs/events, the budget, promotions and any fundraising or development, which would be discussed with appropriate departments. Specific to the Committee is the protection and safety management of the loaned artworks, which must be considered when planning Libraries activities. The loaned works, including the information around the objects, must be accounted for according to the highest possible standards by proper documentation and handling.

Created October 19, 2017, by Sally Brown. Revised 3/2025.