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About Us


Libraries offer a distinct learning environment for engaging exhibits as an incubator for ideas that stimulate conversation, inquiry, discovery, and reflection. The Art in the Libraries program enriches the connection between WVU Libraries' collections, library services and new ways of seeing, learning, and understanding.

Our Vision

Art in the Libraries develops exhibits and related programming in the Downtown Library, Evansdale Library, and Health Sciences Library highlighting the creative endeavors and scholarship of WVU faculty, staff, and students, reaching across the University, the region, and the broader academic community.

Art in the Libraries promotes discovery, innovation, and sustainability; models diversity and inclusion; and demonstrates how art, libraries and scholars encourage the community to explore, reflect, and discuss what they encounter in the WVU Libraries.

Our Exhibits

WVU Downtown Library:

  • Showcase Exhibits: temporary, flexible and responsive exhibits in Downtown Library's several open spaces (main floor, Atrium, 2nd floor, 4th floor, 6th floor) curated by AiL committee, librarians, and affiliated WVU constituencies or accepted submissions. Room 1020 is used for our Faculty/Staff Exhibits Award and other rotating displays. Room 122 is used for our Graduate Student Exhibits Award and other rotating art displays by graduate students.
  • Single art placement: temporary, singular art placed throughout spaces on loan by artists, invited by AiL committee, librarians or affiliated constituencies.

Evansdale Library: This library is on the Evansdale Campus, home to Engineering, Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Creative Arts, Education and Human Services, Agriculture and Natural Resources, International Programs and more. Exhibits may be based around these areas of scholarship and encompass limited wall space or cases. Space is also available for single art placement.

Health Sciences Library: The Health Sciences Library is located in the WVU Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center, and supports the schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Public Health. Exhibits may be based around these areas of scholarship and encompass limited wall space or cases. Space is also available for single art placement.

Cases: There are several display cases that are available for exhibits promoting cross campus events, scholarship, and programs at all three Libraries' locations. To inquire about possibilities with cases, email Sally Brown,

Dean of the Libraries Student Art Prize Award: Awards are selected by the Art in the Libraries Committee from the WVU School of Art & Design's annual Juried Student Exhibitions. Selected students are invited to display their work in the Libraries.

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Exhibit Proposal

To exhibit with us, please read our exhibitor guidelines and contact us.

Exhibitor Guidelines Contact Us

Exhibit Loans

The WVU Libraries Art in the Libraries program has a limited number of exhibitions available to travel for display in other venues. To learn more about this program, click the link below.

Exhibit Loans