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The Art of an Art Therapist 

McFarlin Artwork

The Art of an Art Therapist | HSL March - August 2024

Working as an art therapist involves creative counseling approaches utilizing various art media to help clients process social, emotional, and psychological issues. Balancing self-care and caring for others in this helping profession can be challenging. Art therapists often use their own art-making practice to combat burnout and remain creatively engaged outside of their work.  Dr. Annie McFarland (Assistant Professor of Art Therapy) has been making art her entire life and has worked clinically as an art therapist since 2010. Her personal art-making often serves to process powerful client interactions, cope with compassion fatigue, and practice artistic self-care. In this exhibit, Dr. McFarland shares personal artwork consisting of a variety of media including collage, drawing, painting, and sketchbook work.